Thursday, November 10, 2011

Proposed elevation to the south.

Stone is proposed to break up the materials and to separate the stone as an entry elevation.
Stone walls and entry constructions are used throughout Lakewood. Windows at the entry elevation will be simple double hung windows similar to many historical buildings in Lakewood.

The fence proposed will be a six foot high wrought steel fence painted black. A Knox box will be located in the gate pier to the east. Owners requested a mail box located at this location, with a slot located in an entry pier.

Call buttons will be located for both drive up and walk up traffic. Sensors are being considered for drive up traffic to announce traffic with a door chime.

Rendered version of the courtyard elevation. Existing brick painted. Black shutters added to main house form. Front door changed to a pair with more glass added. Center dormer proposed to allow for better natural lighting to the spaces on the thrid floor.

Wings will be first floor space only, all with vaulted ceilings.

All new chimneys will match detailing at the existing chimneys.

Drawing shows existing location of property line trees.

Drawing shows concept for the private garden at the master bathroom.

Proposed site plan. The front yard will have two distinct characteristics. The southern area will be open and aid in creating more space at the street area. The car park area will be heavily landscaped and create a more intimate area. The front yard directly in front of the master bathroom will create a private garden viewed from the interior.

Changes to the site will include the attempt to save the existing fence on the east and west sides. This will aid in maintaining the property line trees and helping with privacy.

Changes from the original proposal are highlighted with revision clouds.

First floor plan. Edgewater is to the plan right, the lake to plan left. Drawing shows kitchen and garage wing proposed to the top of the plan. The garage and kitchen are located on the east/ Wilbert side of the property.

Drawing of the proposed renovations of the second floor. Interior remodels only. The west and center spaces will have wrought steel balconies (see the proposed elevation.)

View from the entry courtyard. For the best information, see the color renderings.

Proposed elevation from the rear lot. Stairs will be as wide as possible to allow for the most views from the interiors. Both new wings will have walk out basements (made possible from small retaining walls.) Drawings show the approximate location of a pool, although that construction will be under separate permit.

View from the interior courtyard. Note changes from the original design. The center three bays were slightly enlarged so that the roofline will be broken up. A dormer was added that is simular but smaller than the center dormer proposed on the main home.

View from the houses to the east. Note that stone detailing was added to the rear of the garage as an upgrade so that the view from Wilbert backyards will be desirable.

This view is from the west. Note that the center of the turn-about will have some structure. The design of this structure is up for debate with the owners, options include but are not limited to landscaping, sculpture, and/or a water feature.

Detailing of the rear terrace has not been settled.

This drawing shows both the home and the garden walls on one drawing. This veiw is best understood by the colored renderings.

This is a drawing of the gate and garden buildings. The garden buildings locations and materials differ from the main house so that the structures act as a gate way. Stone walls act as gateways throughout Lakewood. The garden building on the right (east) also blocks the end of the 5 car garage. Inside the gate is a car park and turn about, this area will be heavily landscaped and will designed to act as the first step in the entry sequence.

This is a drawing of the freestanding Garden Building. See site plan for location of the building.